Monday, August 31, 2015

Blood Cells

Blood Cells
There are two kinds of blood cells: red and white.

Red blood cells (erythrocytes or RBC's) contain hemoglobin, a iron-rich protein that allows the red blood cell to carry oxygen and carbon dioxide. Red blood cells look like biconcave disks with a flattened center (much like a doughnut). Red blood cells have no nucleus, which allows the flexible cell to fit through various blood vessels with ease. Travelling through small blood vessels results in cell membrane damage. This damage cannot be fixed when a nucleus is absent. The blood's tissue is classified as connective tissue because it contains a matrix. The fluidity of the blood as a whole is the matrix, but is commonly called the plasma. When the circulatory system brings blood into the lungs, oxygen attaches to the hemoglobin protein. This oxygen is then released when around cells. The hemoglobin then picks up carbon dioxide or other waste gases to transport them away from the cells. Red blood cells have an average lifespan of 120 days, but bones are constantly creating more. Bone marrow fosters red blood cells which have to go through a seven day maturation process before being released.

White blood (leukocytes) cells are vital to maintaining the immune system. They defend the cell from infection and prevents death. While fighting an infection, the white blood cell creates more and more cells for additional support. However, white blood cells only make up 1% of all blood cells. In fact, every healthy mature white blood cell has 700 mature red blood cells.


"The Franklin Institute." Red Blood Cells. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.

"American Society of Hematology." Blood Basics. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.

"Blood - Texas Heart Institute." Blood - Texas Heart Institute Heart Information Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Aug. 2015.


  1. Red Blood Cells have no Nuclei? Ugh, a year in APBio and that must have slipped my mind

  2. I was surprised as well! Guess I didn't retain information as well as I thought :P

  3. Wow this really taught me a lot about RBC's. Its packed with useful information.
