Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year's Goal

For this second semester, I will sleep more to improve my personal health. As a second semester senior, I will have more free time, thus giving me more time to complete homework and improve my sleep schedule.
Action Plan: 

  1. regularly start homework as soon as I get home 
  2. refrain from drinking caffeinated drinks before bed
  3. wake up at regular times during the weekends 
  4. sleep as soon as I finish homework 
  5. spend less time on the internet 

Another goal I have for this semester is to review my Anatomy and Physiology notes every night. Solidifying this action would allow me to improve on my work ethic. 
Action Plan:
  1. allot a specific time to study notes 
  2. don't waste time on the internet 
  3. sit away from the computer and review notes from my notebook 
  4. only consult internet if I have questions 
  5. repeat to make it a habit

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