Thursday, October 8, 2015

Unit 2 Reflection

Being healthy is a lot more than the absence of sickness. It incorporates physical, mental and social wellbeing. Sound individuals have the capacity to adapt to ordinary exercises and to adjust to their environment. An absence of illness is an attractive state, yet it doesn't characterize wellbeing, it is not a measure for wellbeing, and only it is not adequate to create wellbeing. 
The health triangle actually encompasses physical, mental and social wellbeing. Mental heath manages how we think, feel and adapt to day by day life. Additionally, this branch includes learning, anxiety administration, and dysfunctional behaviors or issues. Social wellbeing addresses the way we respond with individuals inside of our surroundings. It incorporates general wellbeing, family connections, and companion connections. Physical wellbeing includes the body's capacity to work. Physical wellbeing has numerous parts like activity, sustenance, rest, liquor and medications, and weight administration.

Hormones play a huge role in maintaining health. An essential capacity of leptin is to go about as a messenger to provide information on how much fat is stored. Leptin is discharged into the circulatory system by fat cells (adipocytes) in extent to the measure of fat mass. The more fat a man has, the more leptin discharged. 

Cortisol impacts, manages or balances a significant number of the progressions that happen in the body in light of anxiety. Glucagon serves to keep blood glucose levels sufficiently high for the body to capacity well. At the point when blood glucose levels are low, glucagon is discharged and flags the liver to discharge glucose into the blood. Insulin is a hormone that makes our body's cells collect glucose from the blood. The glucose is put away in the liver and muscle as glycogen and prevents the body from utilizing fat as a source of energy. At the point when there is next to no insulin in the blood, or none by any means, glucose is not taken up by body cells.

I also learned that there are six major classes of nutrients. 

I watched a TED talk last year about the importance of sleep. Not only is it the only way to rest our bodies, it also affects our emotional and physical responses to external sources of stress. People who got less sleep or poor sleep had slower reaction times when driving than people who got a lot of sleep. I thought this related to our unit because an entire pillar of health was solely dedicated to sleep. Out of all the pillars, I believe that my weakest link is sleep. I almost never get enough sleep, which results in a lethargic attitude throughout the day. I think that promoting greater health at Saratoga begins with sleep, so administrators should attempt to decrease the amount of homework assigned to students. 


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