Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Blood Pressure Lab

Systolic pressure is the result of contraction of the ventricles. The diastolic pressure is taken during the ventricle during relaxation. Heart rate is measured using fingers, while your blood pressure is taken with the sphygmomanometer. Using your thumb to measure heart rate is not ideal because your thumb has its own pulse. Therefore if you try to take your heart rate with your thumb, the two contradictory rates will be confusing.

Steps to use a sphygomomanometer: 
  1. Position the pressure cuff on the right arm with the palm up. The arm should be at the same level as the heart. 
  2. Inflate the cuff until it reaches 150mmHg. Deflate the cuff by turning the valve and allow it to deflate completely. Wait 30 seconds. 
  3. In order to find the systolic pressure, listen closely as you let out air. As soon as you hear a faint tapping, note the reading on the gauge. 
  4. In order to find diastolic pressure, at the exact point when you are unable to hear any more rhythmic tapping or swishing sounds, read the gauge. 
  5. Blood pressure is written fractionally with systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. 

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